
Everything that people need to know about the game.

Leela Game of Life. An ancient Yogic game of wisdom, consciousness, divinity & life. Leela is no ordinary or simple board game, but a transformative, psychological and spiritual practice!

You can see it on a game board all your life. It’s kind of a map of your life, where obstacles and opportunities to overcome them are marked. Step by step everything will unfold and become clear as you travel through Leela’s playing field. There are 72  squares on a game board. Each square encodes the information of ancient sages. Knowledge starts from basic needs and reaches beyond human understanding. There are eight levels on the game board. Seven chakras energy and energy and eight – Divine level. You come to the game with a request or issue you would like resolved.

You roll the dice and it determines which squares you move and what information you get. Looks like our path will be determined by the number of the dice,  but actually it is guided by your inner Guru.

Game of Leela Dadu

Snakes on the playing field show your obstacles, blocks and jamming. Arrows show the necessary direction, solutions, possibilities.

You can see it  on a board in a few hours with all your raising up through the arrows and falling down  through the snakes moments. Step by step you get the information and the answers you need. For sure you will get much more clarity, insights, and valuable information.

The best news is you don’t need to do anything, just roll the dice and walk step by step on the playing board. Facilitator will guide you, give you full information about each square and how these are interrelated there. Just be open, listen, accept and process it.
After the game bring it into your life and integrate for your wellness, happiness, growing, blooming.

We call it a game, because it invites you to look from the side, from the distance and kind of see your life model, your patterns, way of thinking, habits. Thanks to the wisdom of more than 2000 years you will get much more clarity, understanding, answers, advices and will see right directions. Without doubts, it is a very useful, meaningful references available upon your request for the game.

Sometimes it takes 2-3 hours, if you need just confirmation what you already know deep inside. Sometimes you need 5 or more if you feel really confused at this moment. Be ready for  adventure in the journey of your life.

What are the outcomes, benefits of this game?

Notes and information:


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Leela Game of Life

Leela it is a journey, a growth from the basic needs of social life to intuition, inner guidance and divinity light, reaching beyond human understanding.

Leela is no ordinary or simple board game, but a transformative, psychological and spiritual practice.